full cycle

We understand the customer's business objectives, analyze and offer effective it solutions, implement and support complex projects of various scales and levels of complexity, provide service support and unique services in the it market.

infrastructure / network / information security / unified communications / contact center / business oriented solutions / internet of things / service
finance and insurance
telekom/ retail/ transport/
public sector/ neftegas/
power industry
TOP 25 largest IT companies in terms of business efficiency according to CNews
over 21 years in the market
30 000
more than 30 000 implemented projects

full cycle system integrator

We understand the customer's business objectives, analyze and offer effective it solutions, implement and support complex projects of various scales and levels of complexity, provide service support and unique services in the it market.

finance and insurance
telekom/ retail/ transport/
public sector/neftegas/
power industry


TOP 25 largest IT companies in terms of business efficiency according to CNews


over 21 years in the market

30 000

more than 30 000 implemented projects

4,98 out of 5

average client satisfaction level


proprietary products and strong r&d team


more than 350 employees

1 / 5
description solutions industries numbers

CTI – unique expertise and extensive experience

The company’s mission is to promote the success of our clients by using the best innovative solutions developed, deployed and supported by our team of professionals.
more than 350 effective service agreements
more than 800 professional certificates and unique specializations
more than 100 partners worldwide
more than 600 companies from all economic sectors are permanent clients of CTI


In 2021, CTI’s turnover was 5.6 billion rubles. CTI holds the 21st place in CNews’s Russia’s Most Efficient Companies rating, and has been named among the best system integrators in the country by CNR/RE.

CTI is one of the first companies in Russia to be given Cisco Customer Experience status, and as well as the European quality level Social Impact Partner of the Year award for contribution to social development. CTI received IBM Gold Business Partner status, a Service Partner certificate from HPE Network and Aruba, and an award from Hewlett Packard for project implementation.

CTI supports the ISO 9001, ISO 20.000-1 and ISO 27001 international standards, and in terms of performing obligations to clients, auditors note a “high level of engagement” for all company departments.

CTI’s products are included in the Russian software register. CTI launched its Smart Meeting Rooms solution, providing for voice command management of all processes.


Summing up our 2020 results, CTI’s turnover grew 4.2% over 2019, to 5.6 billion rubles. CTI came 21st in CNews’s rating for 2020’s most efficient IT companies and made it into the TOP-50 major Russian IT companies, as well as again being named among the country’s best system integrators by CNR/RE.

CTI’s software productions are included in the Russian software register. As Cisco’s Best Partner of the Year and as winner of the Technology Excellence Partner of the Year Award for Collaboration, CTI has once again confirmed its leading positions in comprehensive implementation, design and maintenance of all Cisco solutions for unified communications and contact centers.

In 2020, CTI implemented 982 projects for 518 clients, including major banks, leading communication operators, retail and industrial companies.


CTI entered the TOP-30 IT companies for business efficiency according to CNews Analytics Ratings and Russia's 25 best system integrators according to CRN/RE. CTI's 2019 revenue was 5.4 billion rubles, a 28.3% increase from the previous year. The company's points of growth are comprehensive automation and infrastructure projects for major companies in Russia and the CIS.
We have made significant breakthroughs in IoT: our own product line which includes intuitive equipment diagnostics functionality and subscription services. We have also tailored industrial solutions especially for oil, energy, critical infrastructure projects, medicine and other sectors of the economy, with full accountability of information security requirements and standards.
In addition, we created a dedicated "Business-oriented solutions" unit which united a wide range of technology and a product line for managing customer experience and building customer experience strategies for CTI’s clients.
CTI released a new version of CTI Omni - its own product for business process automation of the omnichannel service, a service which enables the efficient processing of customer requests received by the contact center from text communication channels.


CTI is ranked among the top 40 biggest IT brands in Russia by CNews100. This year sees the compa-ny’s turnover reach 4.18 billion rubles, with total revenue growth reaching 10.6%.

Growth in CTI’s Service and IT Outsourcing segment is 30%. The transformation of the individual service portfolio into comprehensive outsourcing packages makes it possible to increase the num-ber of projects significantly. The company has over 350 active service contracts, providing support for major retail networks and telecom leaders.


The company celebrates its 15th anniversary. Starting with the creation of contact centers and be-coming the leader of this segment, CTI has also actively developed information security, business communications, cloud services and industrial IoT.

During its 15 years on the Russian and CIS markets the company has gained the trust of its partners and clients and has consistently proven its innovation-based approach and the ability to expertly apply new technologies while pioneering unique projects in the market.

CTI’s Virtual PABX concept for MTS wins an international Global Telecoms Business Innovation Award, as the most successful telecommunication project in the Innovation Awards 2017 category.


CTI releases its own Scripting and CTI Outbound products and implements projects with S7, 2-Day Telecom, MAXIM taxi and Sheremetyevo Airport.

In October, the company is successfully audited by the British Institute of Standards (BSI) for com-pliance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 27001, receiving positive recommendations and excellent feedback on its stable development of integrated manage-ment systems.


In January, Denis Volyansky, former vice-president of Lanit, is appointed CTI’s CEO. This strategic step enables the company to realize its full business potential, allowing it to strengthen its position on the Russian and CIS markets.

In particular, CTI strengthens its position in the Russian IT market, rising 7 places to 26th among Russia’s largest IT companies, according to the RIA Rating of Russia for 2015.

CTI now has over 100 global and Russian vendor statuses, and the company’s experts hold more than 300 professional certificates.


CTI’s focus on cloud services pays off, with the company becoming the first and only business in Russia and the CIS with Verint Cloud WFO Partner vendor status. CTI also becomes the first Russian company offering an on-demand unified communications service.

It’s a bumper year for projects, including numerous deployments for clients such as Rostelecom, ER-Telecom, Mostaxi, Newcontact, Bashinformsvyaz, Twingo Telecom and ESET.

The company’s revenue grows by 1.6 billion rubles (including VAT) to 4.57 billion.


CTI opens offices in Kazakhstan and Novosibirsk.

The lion’s share of the company’s sales come from interactive video, unified communications solu-tions and contact centers. In terms of revenue share, this is followed by infrastructure concepts for wired and wireless corporate and operator networks. Major CTI projects include the deployment of a mobile data transmission network for Vimpelcom as well as several corporate infrastructure pro-jects for voice, video and data transmission, including the network for World Class fitness centers.

The annual Technology Fast 500 EMEA Ranking by Deloitte recognizes CTI as Russia’s fastest-growing business in the high-tech and telecommunications sphere.


Over 100 projects implemented for communication operators throughout the year – 75% more than in 2011. The company’s revenue in this market segment increases by 24% to around 3.5 billion rubles.

The company builds the first major contact center in Russia (1,500 places) for ER-Telecom with APM operators based on Cisco Finesse.

The company begins the shift to service and IT outsourcing.


CTI becomes the first and only partner of eGain in Russia and the CIS. The company continues to ac-tively broaden its expertise, implementing large-scale projects for major companies. CTI’s project portfolio for the year includes call centers, IP telephony, billing and video surveillance systems.

Key clients include Home Credit & Finance Bank, Metcombank, Altayenergosbyt and NetByNet.


A major videoconference project is implemented for the legislative assembly of the Khanty-Mansi (Yugra) Autonomous Region.


CTI builds a Cisco UCCE-based contact center with Parent-Child technology for Megaphone – a unique development in 2007.


A watershed year for the company, with about half of the original employees involved in the crea-tion of the system integrator leaving the team. This was followed by three challenging years for CTI in search of new goals and building and consolidating a team capable of reaching new heights.


CTI receives Cisco Gold Partner status for the first time, and has annually maintained a unique set of leading international partner statuses, including Security and Collaboration specializations. A num-ber of complex integration projects are developed and implemented by the company and the pio-neering Cisco Voice Portal-based call center is launched in Russia.


The company establishes a large software development department to embark on the development of its own products and solutions. In a first for Kazakhstan, a Cisco-powered contact center with Siebel CRM integration is launched at QAZKOM, the country’s largest commercial bank.


Center of Telephony Integration (CTI) is established on the basis of the IP telephony center CompTek. It is later renamed Communications, Technology and Innovations (CTI). In the same year CTI creates Russia’s first Cisco UCCE-powered contact center at Russian Standard Bank.


Center of Telephony Integration (CTI) is established on the basis of the IP telephony center CompTek. It is later renamed Communications, Technology and Innovations (CTI). In the same year CTI creates Russia’s first Cisco UCCE-powered contact center at Russian Standard Bank.

success story

Educational hub


educational hub for russian regions

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success story



integration of cisco secure network analytics to airbridgecargo air company infrastructure

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The Client


The Challenge

introducing the automated omni-channel service system for the bank’s call center

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АО «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг»


внедрение омниканальной роботизированной системы самообслуживания на базе искусственного интеллекта (платформа omilia diamant)

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сеть гипермаркетов «Глобус»


внедрение wifi в сети гипермаркетов

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Группа компаний «Инград»


модернизация сети и внедрение межсетевых экранов нового покаления

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модернизация контактного центра

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группа компаний «РТСОФТ»


организация сервиса видеоконференции по запросу

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создание современного многофункционального контактного центра

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Банк «Левобережный»


стоительство центра обработки данных и ядра сети

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построение мобильной пакетной опорной сети передачи данных

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Модернизация узлов sgsn/ggsn пакетного ядра сети

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Банк «Хоум Кредит»


внедрение новой системы управления сетевой инфраструктурой банка

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построение контактного центра и интеграция его в ИТ-структуру банка

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модернизация контактного центра макрорегионального филиала «Сибирь» (г. Барнаул)

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создание единого виртуального контакт-центра

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Центральный Телеграф


модернизация системы интерактивных сервисов

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внедрение системы интерактивных сервисов

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внедрение аппаратно-программного комплекса для предоставления мультимедийных услуг абонентам

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внедрение системы интерактивных сервисов

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CTI partners

CTI is a partner of more than 100 leading IT vendors. To implement the most reliable and functional solutions, CTI uses the products of world leaders in IT, including Cisco, HPE, Dell EMC, VMware, NetApp, etc. For many years, CTI has been a leading Cisco partner in Russia and for the second consecutive year has confirmed its Best Partner status in the most technologically complex Service Providers Solution Expert specialization. CTI is currently the only Cisco partner in Russia with two master specializations – Master Security and Master Collaboration.

all partners

compliance with international standards

The company’s management systems are certified, and annually confirm their process compliance with the requirements of the international standards BS EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEС 20000-1:2011 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 established by international certification authorities.

CTI team

The CTI team brings together highly professional engineers, developers and managers educated at foreign and Russian training centers of IT software and equipment vendors.

CTI’s technical experts hold over 400 professional certificates, and the company has its own R&D department where our experts implement complex integration projects and develop innovative software products to meet our clients’ needs.

CTI has deployed dedicated technical labs to test new products and solutions, while ready-to-use solutions are presented to clients in demo rooms equipped with the very latest technologies.

career at CTI

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